122 research outputs found

    Mineralization Characterization of Psammitic Rocks in Efon-Alaaye and Environs using Remote Sensing and Field Studies

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    This paper analyses remotely sensed data over a part of the Psammitic Rocks in Efon-Alaaye and Environs to elucidate its geology and structural framework as well as delineate the potential zones of mineralization. The study area belongs to the Precambrian Basement Complex terrain of Southwestern Nigeria and lies within the eastern unit of the Ilesha schist belt. The lithologic units comprise schistose quartzites, quartz schists, quartz-mica-schists, and granitic gneisses. Landsat 8 satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission imagery (SRTM), both of path 190 and row 055, were used for the purpose of this study. A total of 138 lineaments of total length of 147.948 Km, were automatically extracted from both data. Rose diagram showed that the lineaments are bi-directional, with major lineaments trending NE-SW, E-W and the subsidiary ones in the NW-SE direction. These lineaments are mostly mapped on the schistose quartzites. Also, N-S trending faults were mapped from the Digital Elevation Model map generated from the SRTM data which was confirmed to be reverse fault based on field studies. The mineral alteration map generated revealed signatures of gold, iron oxides and silica minerals, while the mineralization potential map was done with reference to established geological settings of the area in conjunction with the structural elements such as folds, faults, joints and fractures mapped and measured on the field. These structures are typical of gold mineralization and associated metallic minerals in the Ilesha schist belt. This study also confirmed that mineralization in the study area is structurally controlled and type of mineralization is epigenetic in nature as a result of favorable ground preparation

    Normotensive offspring of hypertensive Nigerians have increased Left ventricular mass and abnormal geometric patterns

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    Background: Reports have shown that normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents (OHP) are at increased risk of developing systemic hypertension (SH) and adverse cardiovascular events later in life. The pathological antecedents of this are thought to be alterations in the structure and function of left ventricle. Therefore, the present study aimed at determining left ventricular mass and geometry in OHP and compared with offspring without parental hypertension.Methods: Sixty-five OHP aged 15-25 years with 65-age and sex-matched offspring of normotensive parents (ONP) were studied for early makers of hypertensive cardiovascular disease. Those with heart murmurs, structural heart diseases and blood pressure 9 140/90 mmHg were excluded. Electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiogram were done in standard positions.Results: Mean left ventricular posterior wall thickness, left ventricular mass, left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and relative wall thickness (RWT) were significantly higher in the subjects than controls (p=0.001, 0.046, 0.03 and 0.004 respectively). LVMI correlated positively with systolic and diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference (WC), ECG voltage, and posterior wall diastolic dimension. Waist circumference was an independent predictor of LVMI in OHP.Conclusion: We concluded that normotensive OHP have alterations in left ventricular mass and structure; and should be considered as a special group that needs early dietary and lifestyle adjustments to prevent future cardiovascular events

    Management of Peritonsillar Abscess in a Tertiary Hospital in Southwest Nigeria

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    Background: Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) occurs when pus accumulates in the peritonsillar space. There are controversies about the most adequate form of treatment. The objectives of this study were to describe the clinical profile of patients, PTA and bacteriological profile of aspirates, and management of PTA. Methods: This retrospective study included patients with PTA managed in a tertiary hospital. The clinico-demographic characteristics, oropharyngeal examination findings, including that of the tonsils, test aspiration of swelling, and culture results were documented. The treatment modalities, hospitalization period, and outcome were recorded. Results: Seventeen records of adults were available (mean age, 33.3±9.7 years; female, 58.8%). All patients presented with fever, odynophagia, and trismus within 3 days. Five (29.4%) had previous sore throat, 94.1% had previous medications, and 52.9% had the abscesses on the left side. Test aspirate yielded pus in 76.5% of patients, whereas 8 aspirates cultured micro-organisms; 70.6% of the patients had incision and drainage (I&D) of the abscess, and the average hospitalization period was 3 days. Most (94.1%) of the patients had favorable outcomes. Conclusion: PTA is common in adults, and they present early with classical symptoms. Purulent aspiration is usually positive, and patients are treated with I&D with antibiotic coverage, which leads to a generally good outcome

    Management and Complications of Nasal Septal Collections

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    Background: Nasal septum collections (hematoma and abscess) can lead to structural and functional abnormalities. Our objective was to assess the clinical characteristics, management and complications of nasal septal collections, and document factors associated withtheir complications. Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients managed for nasal septal collections. Socio-demographic and clinical information was recorded, and the main investigations and results noted. Follow-up and complications of septal collections were documented and the clinical factors associated with the complications explored. Results: Twenty-four patients records were studied: male: female ratio=2:1, mean age 40.1±13.1years,62.5% presented with complaints of nasal obstruction, 66.7% had antecedent nasal trauma, presentation was from 2 to 13 days,25%had co-morbid disease(s). All patients had incision and drainage of the septal collection within 1–7 h; 41.2% of the aspirated collections cultured microorganisms, 20.8% developed complications. Increased age above 45 years, co-morbidity, delayed presentation, culture-positive aspirate was all significantly associated with development of complications. Conclusion: Nasal septal collections were more common in adult males with antecedent nasal trauma; 20% developedcomplications associated with the presence of culturepositive abscesses, increased age, and duration of septal collection. Keywords: Nasal trauma, Septal hematoma, Septal abscess, Complication

    Constraints to Quantity Surveying Awareness in Nigeria

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    “To pay more for a product or service is bad but to pay less is worse” is a popular truism. By implication, this means that there is always an optimum cost for any product or service. This is the raison- d’ĂȘtre of the Quantity Surveying profession as far as construction projects are concerned. This paper examined the origin and status of the Quantity Surveying profession in Nigeria and observes its rather unimpressive rate of diffusion both from the standpoints of school leavers and prospective clients. The paper reviewed the constraints to the awareness of the profession in Nigeria and advocates due diligence on the part of Quantity Surveyors with regard to advertisement and effective performance so as to enhance the societal awareness of the profession in Nigeria. Keywords: Constraints, Quantity Surveying profession, Awareness, Nigeri

    Intelligent Cognitive Radio Models for Enhancing Future Radio Astronomy Observations

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    Radio astronomy organisations desire to optimise the terrestrial radio astronomy observations by mitigating against interference and enhancing angular resolution. Ground telescopes (GTs) experience interference from intersatellite links (ISLs). Astronomy source radio signals received by GTs are analysed at the high performance computing (HPC) infrastructure. Furthermore, observation limitation conditions prevent GTs from conducting radio astronomy observations all the time, thereby causing low HPC utilisation. This paper proposes mechanisms that protect GTs from ISL interference without permanent prevention of ISL data transmission and enhance angular resolution. The ISL transmits data by taking advantage of similarities in the sequence of observed astronomy sources to increase ISL connection duration. In addition, the paper proposes a mechanism that enhances angular resolution by using reconfigurable earth stations. Furthermore, the paper presents the opportunistic computing scheme (OCS) to enhance HPC utilisation. OCS enables the underutilised HPC to be used to train learning algorithms of a cognitive base station. The performances of the three mechanisms are evaluated. Simulations show that the proposed mechanisms protect GTs from ISL interference, enhance angular resolution, and improve HPC utilisation

    Changes In The Lead Concentration In Air And Soil During House Deconstruction And Demolition: Case Study Springwells, Detroit, Michigan

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    Deconstruction or demolition of old houses containing lead-based paint release Pb to the air and soil in the surrounding. A suite of aerosol (large-volume aerosol sampler, PM10) and soil samples were collected before, during and after deconstruction-demolition-clean-up activities in 5 houses from Springwells, Detroit, Michigan and analyzed for Pb along with a suite of other elements (Be, Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, and Tl) using ICP-MS. The ambient air Pb concentration in all 5 houses was found to exceed U.S Environmental Protection Agency National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Concentrations of arsenic and barium before deconstruction/demolition also often exceeded the ambient air levels reported in other places by U.S EPA. Highest concentrations of Pb in aerosols were found during demolition/clean-up activities. Positive or lack of significant correlation between aerosol mass and Pb concentration provide insight on the possible sources of aerosols and Pb. Elemental ratio such as Pb/Al yields information on the sources of aerosols. Vertical profiles of Pb in soil cores indicate highest Pb concentration was found subsurface, potentially due to subsurface migration of Pb through the colloidal particles resulting from the re-mineralization of organic matter. The back-fill non-native soil samples always had the lowest Pb concentration and filling the demolished sites with non-native soils have resulted in the burial of native soils with high concentrations of Pb

    Livelihood and unemployment transitions : drivers and effects on welfare in Nigeria

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    Hunger, unemployment and social crisis are increasing in Nigeria. Statistics supports it that most of the able-bodied youth, both male and female, are not in employment, school or training in Nigeria while poverty rate is as high as a decade ago. A number of research efforts have looked at the micro and macroeconomic paths of the problem with less attention on dynamism of unemployment vis-a-vis the labour market transition, hence this study. This study investigates dynamism of labour market by assessing pattern and transition in labour market and out of labour, as well as determining the effect size of households head’s unemployment on household welfare. To achieve this objective, the General Household Survey (GHS) panel data for 2010/211 and 2012/2013 for Nigeria was used coupled with panel regression analyses to identify determinants of transitions from unemployment to productive sectors, and determinants of transition from productive sectors to unemployment, as well as effect of unemployment on household welfare while controlling for potential endogeneity in unemployment. Across the productive sectors and between 2010 and 2013, the descriptive results of transition show that workforce in the services sector (68 percent) are the most persistent, followed by agriculture (59 percent) and least is mining and manufacturing (44 percent). Transition from nonemployment occurred the most to services sector (22 percent), followed by out-of-labour force (18 percent), agriculture (15 percent) and least to mining and manufacturing (5 percent). Further, the results show that there are both locations and gender differences in the extent of transitions in the labour market. The econometric analyses reveal that job search characteristics, age, educational levels, gender, family ties, locations and time significantly determine transition from unemployment to productive sectors (agriculture or non-agriculture). Likewise, job characteristics, demographic variables, social network, location and time significantly determine switch from one productive sector to another or to unemployment. Moreover, it explicitly reveals as well from the analysis that household head month of unemployment reduces household total consumption and food consumption by 6.4 percent with gender and sectorial differences. The study recommends a combined and swift intervention on three sides: one, there is a need to stimulate education either through scholarship, or adult education from both public and private sectors; two, need to create jobs for youth to reduce potential social and economic crisis; and lastly there is a need to provide social support either in terms of public workfare, skills for jobs and unemployment benefits

    Using Bluetooth to estimate traffic metrics for traffic management applications

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    PhD Thesis‘Bluetooth’ is a technology that can be integrated into Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) to facilitate smarter and enhanced traffic monitoring and management to reduce congestion. The current research focus on Bluetooth is principally on journey time management. However, the applicability and viability of Bluetooth potential in problematic urban areas remains unknown. Besides the generic problem of unavailability of processing algorithms, there is gap in knowledge regarding the variability and errors in Bluetooth-derived metrics. These unknown errors usually cause uncertainty about the conclusions drawn from the data. Therefore, a novel Bluetooth-based vehicle detection and Traffic Flow Origin-destination Speed and Travel-time (TRAFOST) model was developed to estimate and analyse key traffic metrics. This research utilised Bluetooth data and other independently measured traffic data collected principally from three study sites in Greater Manchester, UK. The Bluetooth sensors at these locations generated vehicle detection rates (7-16%) that varied temporally and spatially, based on the comparison with flows from ATC (Automatic Traffic Counters) and SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique) detectors. Performance evaluation of the estimation showed temporal consistency and accuracy at a high level of confidence (i.e. 95%) based on criteria such as Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) - (0.031 – 0.147), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) - (0.041 – 0.195), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) - (0.822 – 4.917) and Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL-D) (0.004 – 0.044). This outcome provides evidence of reliability in the results as well as justification for further investigation of Bluetooth applications in ITS. However, the resulting accuracy depends significantly on sample size, network characteristics, and traffic flow regimes. The Bluetooth approach has enabled a deeper understanding of traffic flow regimes and spatio-temporal variations within the Greater Manchester Networks than is possible using conventional traffic data such as from SCOOT. Therefore, the application of Bluetooth technology in ITS to enhance traffic management to reduce congestion is a viable proposition and is recommended.Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) – for the award of a PhD Scholarship for 4 years; The University of Lagos – for the study leave with pay; Surveyors Council of Nigeria (SURCON) – for the additional support

    Methane in Kano-Nigeria atmosphere

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    Methane concentrations in Kano municipality have been attributed to the burning of solid and fossil fuels and industrial processes. Using an automatic gas sampling system, methane in the Kano atmosphere was determined. Its distribution in the municipality was skewed towards high frequency of low concentration with a mean and standard deviation of 0.61? 0.39 ?g/m3. Similarly the distribution in Sabon gari, Bata, Nassarawa and Hotoro were 0.41? 0.28; 0.58 ? 0.29; 0.46 ? 0.31 and 0.71 ? 0.49 ?g/m3 respectively while BUK, City Brigade, Kurna-Asabe and other residential areas were (0.54 ? 0.45, 0.74 ? 0.46; 0.61 ? 0.34; 0.78 ? 0.40?g/m3) respectively. The industrial areas did not show significant variations from each other as in the residential areas
